
Sunday 11 February 2018

Life is a drug!

Can you believe just a few months ago I was living my life around substance instead of passion........ I don't know if everyone can understand that but I know there are a few of you out there..... I've always lived my life off of emotion and imagination but that will absolutely get you No where... (As a child that may have got me many things, but as a adult that will do nothing but keep you down.)    "maybe not keep you down, but it won't take you far!" I've figured out that my positive attitude and abundance of energy is actually a good thing if I can direct that towards change not only for myself but those that I surround myself with..... I've always, (until these last couple month have been trying too find acceptance from others, but I need to be finding that within myself.) I don't think I've find it 100% but I know Im absolutely moving in the right direction and towards a big change in my son and I life.... I want to be successful, but not for money, not for fame, not for power, but to prove to myself and those I call family, "change can come from anyone, it just takes hard work and determination." I may not be successful right this second but I know it's coming... I believe I'm an extremely open minded person and I believe that too be a good thing....... I live my life with an attitude, "No matter what you do, if you want it bad enough you can achieve it!" In the past I would say that last statement but I truly didn't believe, that's cause I've attempted many things in my life  and out of most of those, (I've failed!) I've been reading/listening too a few different books/people and you have too fail many times before you become successful..... A lot of what I write is not too better myself, but I hope that anyone that reads these can find the strength with-in themselves too love and believe in themselves..... Life is absolutely too short and we waste many years blinded by things that actually don't matter and once we realize that, (it's never too late, but it becomes a long time wasted.) I truly do love every person out there with a kind heart and soul and does what they can too succeed for themselves and those that follow in there foot steps...... I know this will only reach so many people, but those it does reach I hope it brings a little insight into your life...

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